A Safe Space for Meaningful Change


Therapy for women in Toronto who feel misunderstood and invalidated in their lives.


Do you feel like stress has taken over your life?

Do you feel like you misplaced your true self somewhere along the way?

Together we will work through the feelings of overwhelm to help you gain insight, cultivate strength, and develop coping skills to provide you with the tools to manage difficult emotions, interpersonal relationships, and life transitions.

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meet ellis

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My Approach

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non pulvinar lectus. Suspendisse id diam velit. In eleifend dui et sapien dignissim pretium. Proin porttitor elementum tellus, sed pharetra ipsum sagittis in. Cras non mollis lacus, vel porttitor nunc. Nunc cursus ligula nulla, vitae blandit ex sagittis in.


You don’t have to continue feeling hopeless,

I can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and thrive in the areas of your life that you feel are suffering.


For open and honest posts about mental health, join me @yourinstagramhandlehere
